Tv tropes total annihilation kingdoms
Tv tropes total annihilation kingdoms

tv tropes total annihilation kingdoms

However, simply making one faction slightly stronger but slower than the next rarely adds enough asymmetry once enough factions are involved, so developers often turn to giving each faction a gimmick of some sort, such as a long range or large numbers as is shown in A Commander Is You. The contrast between the different playstyles allows for a more varied game than strictly Cosmetically Different Sides and mirror matches. At least one of the five archetypes will present two variations. The Horde is generally the fifth faction in a five-factions scenario.Īt six or more factions, there are no established rules. They typically have few special powers, but what they do have consists of abilities that can buff oceans of armies at once, or sacrifice a few pawns out of a warehouse for tactical benefit. Their main weakness is splash damage and optimized swarm tactics, but with sufficient numbers and mass upgrades, they can easily charge in and interrupt the enemy. Unlikely to have any strategy beyond changing the types of units they mass to best swarm over the enemy.

tv tropes total annihilation kingdoms

Relying on large numbers of weak, easily massed units to overwhelm enemies through sheer numbers.

  • The Horde - An extreme version of the Subversive.
  • Cannons will typically be the fourth faction in a four-factions scenario. They are not particularly strong or weak at any part of the game it's all about the technique and producing the right units. As a result, they generally can't handle other forces head-on, and they instead use a combination of burst damage hit-and-run tactics, striking at their opponent's vulnerable supply lines, harassing, support units and artillery, leaving traps, or otherwise "cheating" to get the upper hand. They rely on high offensive abilities, at the expense of limiting their defensive abilities.
  • Cannons - The offensive extreme of the Powerhouse.
  • A Balanced faction tends to be good at every part of the game. In games with more factions, they're liable to lean towards the Magic Knight side, relying on their special abilities to get an edge up on enemies. The Jack-of-All-Stats, Master of None faction, typically relies on their versatility to match and counter other factions as needed.
  • Balanced - The Balanced, as suggested by its name, is a balanced middle ground between the Subversive and Powerhouse, and probably the immediate third faction to be added in a three-factions scenario.
  • A Subversive faction is usually the other faction, along with the Powerhouse, to be present in a two-factions scenario. Their fast production and low costs also allow them to quickly adapt in case things aren't going in their favor. When their units have abilities, it's generally some kind of summoning ability or taking control of enemy units, so that they can further enhance their number advantage.

    tv tropes total annihilation kingdoms

    They can thus quickly create a massive army to overwhelm their opponents. While they are weaker with equal numbers, they compensate for this with bigger numbers, lower costs, and fast production. Subversive armies consist of a large number of weaker units.

    Tv tropes total annihilation kingdoms